"In The High Place" Temporarily Unavailable

JULY 8, 2015

In The High Place is no longer available for purchase online, but you can still listen to it via streaming (on the right-hand side of this website).

We'll be releasing a new version of the song along with an updated version of Terrible Mr. Cloud & His Terrible Mood later this year.

New music in 2015 without fail!

JULY 7, 2015

Hello everyone!  Well, it's been a while again.  We're not sure how that happened.  But... 

We will have new music out for your listening pleasure this year without fail! 

We're taking a new approach.  Instead of concentrating on a full album's worth of material at once, we're going to take things 1 or 2 songs at a time.  When we have a couple songs completed, we'll release them online.  Many of the tracks will later be featured on the as-yet-untitled Blue Surround album! 

We want to give a heartfelt THANK YOU to everyone who's stayed with us! 

- Blue Surround
(Jason Conway, Derek Martinez, & John Dearing)



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Blue Surround

Blue Surround
In The High Place!